About Dayna


Dayna Mabray

Why to work with me on Medicare? I’m an independent agent that represents many carriers. I’m here to help make sense of Medicare and walk you through the process. It’s my goal to find a plan that gives you the most benefits as possible while keeping your healthcare costs low. I’m not tied to just one or two carriers, I am an independent agent. Which allows me flexibility and to do what’s best for my member.

In addition to Medicare, I work with over 100 different life insurance carriers to get the best rate available. I use life insurance for mortgage protection, replacement of income steam, as well as business strategies. I specialize in complex policies and strategies such as key man, buy/sell agreements, bank owned life insurance, as well as using life insurance for trust/estate planning purposes. I also specialize in lone rescue strategies for life insurance policies that have large loans against them.

Her Mission

Her mission is to provide her clients with assistance in understanding and making the right decisions when it comes to insurance. She has the skills, knowledge, and experience to help meet her client's established goals. Her personal goal is to become a lifetime resource for her clients and give them greater confidence in choosing their insurance plan.